Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

My (in)confidence

I am trully sorry about this. Why do this inconfidence attack me in this time? I would not say that I was a confidence girl or I had a big confidence. That I know, I would never give up on everything. I would face every obstacles in front of me. Even the results were bad, I did not care. The most important is I had tried as much as I could do. I did my best. I worked as I got it. But, now.. it is different.

In this time, I don't know why and what reason I doubt for. It is like that the negative thoughts are whispering me and they are dominating my brain into my soul so I loss my confidence. I deeply know that once those things exist in your brain, it means you will always think that you can not do anything. It is sad. So sad. Dommage!

What should I do? I don't even try yet. Well, those obstacles mean nothing for me. I mean, I had had anothers difficult obstacles. So, what am I thinking of? The iceberg shows that the success will be shown but your persistence and hardwork will not be seen by others.

But I promise, I will not runaway, never. I will face it and do it. I will do my best. I will try. Allah is my helper. I have buddies outside who can help me, listen to me and love me as always. I will never lose by those thoughts. They will go far far far away from my brain and my soul. I promise.


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