Selasa, 01 November 2016

Hari-hari "terapi"...

Kurang lebih sudah 3 bulan saya menikah. Ya, menikah dengan pria yang sudah menemani saya enam tahun lebih. Pria yang lebih muda setahun dua bulan dari saya. Pria yang selalu dan tidak pernah lelah menyemangati saya, menasihati saya serta memberi saya kenyamanan. Mungkin saya termasuk yang beruntung. Akhirnya, menikah setelah kami berpacaran selama lebih dari lima tahun. 

Enam tahun bersama, namun kesedihan dan keterpurukan saya atas meninggalnya papa saya belum terobati. Sulit! Memang. Serasa tidak punya mimpi besar. Goals yang saya sudah rancang pun runtuh tak bersisa. Bagaimana saya harus membangunnya kembali? Membangu  rumahpun tidak bisa dalam waktu sehari. Bagaimana dengan membangun semangat yang pergi bersama dengan kepergian papa? Retoris.

Then, tahun ini, saya bertemu dengan teman-teman lama saya. Mereka yang selalu memberikan hal positif terhadap saya dulu. Saya ingat, betapa saya mengagungkan negara tetangga karena kedisiplinannya yang akhirnya saya contoh depan mereka. Mereka tidak mencemooh atau meledek. Mereka menyemangati saya dengan memberikan informasi mengenai luar negeri atau hal-hal yang berbau luar negeri. Sayapun rindu akan hal itu.

Namun, itu adalah masa lalu. Saya hidup untuk hari ini dan masa depan. Sekarang, di depan mata saya, sudah ada pendamping hidup yang akan memegang tangan saya jika saya terjatuh, yang akan memluk saya jika saya menangis, yang akan membimbing saya ke arah yang benar, yang akan menjadi ayah dari anak-anak kami. Dukungannya tidak pernah mati sedetikpun, seperti kenyamanan yang dia berikan pada saya. Saya sangat bersyukur! Untuk itu, saya mencoba membangkitkan lagi semangat membara saya untuk terus belajar, untuk tidak menyerah dalam segala hal, Saya sadar bahwa mental saya terganggu atas kepergian papa saya. Saya mudah sekali minder, menyalahkan diri saya, tidak fokus dan selalu berpikir negatif. Oleh karena itu, saya ingin membuang hal-hal itu dari diri saya. 

Salah satu cara untuk menghilangkan rasa itu adalah terapi. Sekarang saya senang merajut. Saya belajar merajut otodidak melalui video di youtube. Saya meminjam (yang akhirnya menjadi milik saya) alat rajut kakak saya. Saya memulai dengan membuat simpul awal dilanjutkan dengan single crochet, double crochet dan triple crocchet. Awalnya, saat membuat simpul, saya nyaris menyerah, namun saya lawan hal-hal negatif itu dan ajhirnya saya bisa. Begitu juga dengan membuat single crochet, doiuble crochet dan triple crochet, sayapun juga menemukan kesulitan.

Hari-hari saya menjalani terapi ini terbilang cukup manjur. Walaupun, rasa negatif itu sering hinggap, perlahan bisa saya lawan. Bukan berarti, rasa negatif itu hilang selamanya. Saya juga mnausia biasa. Rasa negatif itu muncul ketika saya lengah, Ketika diri saya dikuasai oleh kemarahan, kekecewaan dll. pasti rasa negatif itu akan menyerang. Oleh karena itu, saya mencoba melawan dengan memasukan hal-hal positif dalam diri saya. 

Samapi saat ini, saya terus berusaha melakukan hal ini untuk membangkitkan semnagat saya.


Rabu, 06 Juli 2016

Wish I could change the world, I would change...

I must say sorry for this. But, I learn life lesson from others, from experinces. I learn to be a good man. I won't stop learning. I won't.

People nowadays like judging and mocking others. They like showing off everything about their life. Just to show that they have the happiest man/woman in the world. Can you imagine that in fact thay haven't? I can.

I read many stories, theories, books about life. I saw many experiences. I discussed many personal or public things about life with people. And I can't tell you all about that. My brain is unable to share those and compose from one to another so that it be a great story. No, I am sorry, I can't.

Everything happens to me is my decision. I can't change the world. I have no power to do that. I am just an ordinary woman who want to be beneficial for others, to maturate and try mightily to be a good woman.


Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

I (almost) dissapear

I am so sorry. Untuk beberapa bulan terakhir menghilang dan (akhirnya) tidak bisa menyanggupin rencana rencana yang aku buat untuk mengisi waktu, such as gardening etc. 

Singkat kata, 8 bulan terakhir, aku mengajar di sebuah sekolah dan it was my experience that I will not to talk about. It was not bad experiences but it was awful. Well, in this 2016, I must develope. I want to work around people who can motivate me, support me, teach me and inspire me. Then, there, I found yet. 

After struggling couples month working there and I chose to resign, so, here I am. End up as a jobless who can learn something new, work as freelancer, study alot, help my mom and the best part is develope.  As a human, I just need to rehat from those all terrible things. I just can'stand facing hypocrite. 

So, I am back. Hopefully, I can put my thing on blog like before. 


Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Am I the special one?

When woman has period, please do not disturb her! It is restricted area. Do not you ever touch or hurt her.

Period times is the time when woman feels so sensitive. Everything. Sometimes woman can be sad, angry or upset without reasons.

I am just a woman. An ordinary woman. I want to love and to be loved. As a human, I want something special in my biggest day, like my birthday. Since the dead of my father, I lost my biggest supporter in my life. Since that day, I feel flat of anything. I don't feel special on my birthday, my others special day.

I have no reasons why I feel so sensitive now. This year, I turn 27 years old and nothing changes in my life. On that day, no one in my family remember, even my man whom I love. Sad! Really. Pathetic? Yes. Then I am asking, Am I the special one in your life? In your heart? Then, respect me. I can not say anything to explain. I can not put anything on your shoulders. But please, just respect me as your woman. I have heart : weak, can not be hurt, and sensitive.

Even, I get no mentions, greets or cards even kisses, I learn something : what I have today is not mine. I have Allah. Just live your life. Maybe you life isn't as smooth as others life, but you must feel lucky alive, healthy, can eat and sleep well.

Thanks Allah. Thank you for everything. I need time to recover, to heal my soul, to kick out my bad feelings. But it will be leave as fast as wind.


Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

One thing that I almost forget, be grateful..

2015 almost ends. And, still, no changes for me. Well, next year, I am going to be 27 years old. When everyone thinks, 27 is a perfect number to get married, be success and be rich. For me, in this year, I still have one thing. One thing that I always forget to do, be grateful.

I do not know why and maybe, it is a bad habit. I always complain about something that is not correspond to what I am thinking. Sometimes, I regret my decision and it makes me want to look back. Dommage! I forget that I am blessed. I complain everyday about what I have and get. And it always, everytime, I get something bad, maybe worse. Then, I am asking by myself, why do I get bad things? Do I have a big mistake? Do I make a mistake? Etc.

Until, one day, God gives me the answers why do I always think that I am unlucky. God shows me that there are bunch of people who is not lucky as me. Many answer that God shows. I need time to realize. But, God loves me so much. God pours me with many clues and then, BAM! That is! The key is be grateful.

I do not say that be grateful is easy to do. No. It is very hard. Usually, we always complain about life. We always reject what we get. Then, it happens worst, even worst. I read a book, called Magic, The Secret Series, it is written that if you want to have magic in your life, you nyst be able to be grateful. Things happened in your life are what you attract, you get. So, just be grateful, how the condition is hard, just be grateful. You are the one who is blessed adn lucky. There are many people who has worse conditions than yours.

Be grateful.


Senin, 14 September 2015

It is going strong...

I have never imagined that I met somenone. Let us say that he is a prince charming or maybe a soulmate. It was when I was in junior high school, first time, I knew about like someone, like a boy. I knew about going a date with boy. Hahaha. It was so funny. I never had that experience (going a date with someone). I though, I was an ugly duck whom boy never ever ever "ccp" sama gue. XD

Til, I was in university. 2 years, I was single and then, I was close with someone. He was dating with a girl, not me :p. At that time, we were close because we could talk everything and everytime. We could listen each other. I do not know why and then, I chose him as my boyfriend. We wnet a date like others. Go to cinema, mall and other any occassions. We spent the day together and now, almost 5 years we date. In this years, we plan to be a-companion. We plan to have childern. We plan to spend our days together until Allah separates us.
Our love is going strong...


Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

My (in)confidence

I am trully sorry about this. Why do this inconfidence attack me in this time? I would not say that I was a confidence girl or I had a big confidence. That I know, I would never give up on everything. I would face every obstacles in front of me. Even the results were bad, I did not care. The most important is I had tried as much as I could do. I did my best. I worked as I got it. But, now.. it is different.

In this time, I don't know why and what reason I doubt for. It is like that the negative thoughts are whispering me and they are dominating my brain into my soul so I loss my confidence. I deeply know that once those things exist in your brain, it means you will always think that you can not do anything. It is sad. So sad. Dommage!

What should I do? I don't even try yet. Well, those obstacles mean nothing for me. I mean, I had had anothers difficult obstacles. So, what am I thinking of? The iceberg shows that the success will be shown but your persistence and hardwork will not be seen by others.

But I promise, I will not runaway, never. I will face it and do it. I will do my best. I will try. Allah is my helper. I have buddies outside who can help me, listen to me and love me as always. I will never lose by those thoughts. They will go far far far away from my brain and my soul. I promise.